NYSC CDS Groups: Types, Functions, and the Best to Join

CDS stands for Community Development Service.

It is one of the three cardinal programmes of the National Youth Service Corps compulsory for all corps members in Nigeria.

The other two programmes are the orientation camp exercise and primary assignment.

This service enables corps members to contribute to the development of their host communities.

Corps members are usually posted to rural areas where they can work on projects that will benefit the community.

Here are its importance:

  • Build corps members’ capacities for leadership, endurance, selflessness, creativity and patriotism.
  • Complement activities of government at all levels towards national development.
  • Harness the talents and skills of corps members to change rural communities for good.
  • Help corps members develop business skills.
  • Help underprivileged populations learn basic techniques for self-help.
  • Instill in youth corps members the tradition of dignity in labor and productivity.
  • Provide on-the-job training and experience for corps members.
  • To enable corps members to improve their host community.
  • To encourage the use of local raw materials in the execution of projects.
  • To make corps members understand the various traditions and customs of the host community.

Types of CDS in NYSC

1. Group Community Development Service

Corps members are expected to spend one day a week in group activities.

They are not expected to fulfill their obligations at their place of primary assignment.

Corps members come together in various groups to discuss issues affecting the community and look for a way out.

They go into the markets, churches, schools to understand the people’s trouble, and try to meet persons in positions to handle issues discovered.

2. Personal Community Development Service

Here, projects are carried out by individual corps members to the host community based on the needs recognized in the community.

Corps members are encouraged to look for areas that may have a personal impact on the community.

These could be construction projects such as toilets, boreholes, bridges, classrooms, school playgrounds, or social/educational projects such as ICT labs, school libraries, extracurricular lessons, campaigns, philanthropic projects, vocational training, etc.

Personal projects attract awards from local, state, or federal governments.


Corps members are usually assigned to a CDS group based on their interests and skills.

They can also request to be assigned to a specific group.

These groups play an important role in the development of communities across Nigeria.

They help to improve the lives of people in rural areas and to promote sustainable development.

Here is the list of the best CDS group to join in NYSC:

  • Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG)
  • Sports Group
  • Culture and Tourism Group
  • Education Development Group
  • Environmental Protection and Sanitation Group
  • Editorial/Publicity Group
  • Road Safety Group
  • Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Group
  • Anti-Corruption Group
  • Service Delivery Group
  • MDGs
  • Medical and Health Services Group
  • Drug Free and Quality Control Group
  • Agro-Allied Group
  • Charity Services and Gender Group
  • Disaster Management Group 

After registration at the NYSC camp or documentation at the state secretariat, corps members are usually grouped into their respective groups.


CDS meetings are held between corps members, NYSC officials, and their community leaders.

These meetings discuss the progress of the projects and to address any challenges that the corps members may be facing.

The group meetings are usually held once a week for at least 1 hour.

During the meetings, the corps members will present their progress reports on the projects.

Corps members get to discuss their challenges, get feedback from the community leaders, and to receive guidance from the officials.


The management has a set of rules that corps members must follow during the community development service programme.

These rules ensure that corps members are safe and that they can complete their projects successfully.

Here are the rules to abide by:

  • Report to your place of primary assignment on time and attend all activities.
  • Wear your NYSC uniform when you are on official duty.
  • Be respectful to your community leaders and the people in the community.
  • Don’t engage in any illegal activities.
  • Do not leave your PPA without the permission of the officials.
  • Complete your projects in the allocated time frame.
  • Maintain moral conduct throughout your programme.

The NYSC has a zero-tolerance policy for violations of its rules.

Corps members who violate the rules will be punished accordingly.


The group meeting is carried out once a week in a month.

You should have at least 50% attendance at the group meetings.

The punishment for missing CDS varies depending on the number of times the corps member misses in a month.

For missing over 50% attendance, your PPA monthly clearance won’t be signed by your SO and you may not be cleared to receive your next month’s allowance.

If a corps member cannot attend because of illness, provide a medical certificate from a doctor.

If a corps member cannot attend because of a death in the family, provide a death certificate.

Corps members who cannot attend because of other extenuating circumstances must provide a written explanation to NYSC.

Ensure you document your reason for absence and to provide the documentation to NYSC.

The NYSC will then decide whether to grant the corps member a waiver.

This will help you avoid being punished for being absent.

NYSC Query Letter Answer For Missing CDS

If you have received a query letter from the NYSC for missing CDS, first understand the reason for the query.

The NYSC may have received a complaint from your PPA supervisor or from a member of the community.

They may also have conducted an audit and found that you have not completed the required number of hours.

Once you understand the reason for the query, write a letter to the NYSC explaining the situation.

In your letter, you should:

  • Acknowledge the query and apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  • Explain the reason you missed.
  • Provide any supporting documentation, such as medical certificates or death certificates.
  • State your commitment to completing the remaining hours.
  • Offer to make up the missed hours in any way that the NYSC sees fit.

Be honest and apologetic in your letter.

NYSC will appreciate your willingness to take responsibility for your actions.

If you are sincere in your commitment to completing the remaining hours, the NYSC is likely to be lenient.

Project Ideas

The projects that corps members can work on include:

  • Construction of roads, bridges, and culverts.
  • Rehabilitation of schools and hospitals.
  • Provision of clean water and sanitation facilities.
  • Adult literacy and numeracy promotion.
  • Development of agricultural projects.
  • Provision of microcredit loans to entrepreneurs.
  • Environmental conservation promotion.

These are just a few ideas.

There are many other possibilities, and the best project for you will depend on the needs of your community.

When choosing a project, consider these factors:

  • The needs of your community.
  • Your skills and interests.
  • The availability of resources.
  • The time commitment required.

Also, get approval from your NYSC officials before you start any project.


CorpersHub is dedicated to serving the needs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members across Nigeria. Our mission is to connect, support, and empower corps members as they embark on their year of national service.

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