NYSC Passing Out Parade (POP) Timetable

The NYSC POP stands for the National Youth Service Corps Passing Out Parade.

This is a ceremony that marks the end of the compulsory one-year national service for Nigerian corps members.

It is held annually in different states of Nigeria.

Everything that has a beginning will surely have an end.

No matter how you enjoy your place of assignment, you will end your service after some months and face real life.

The passing out parade is always on a low key whereby you will go to your local government and collect your certificate.

During the ceremony in some states in Nigeria, corps members receive their certificates of national service and perform a march past in their distinctive white and green uniforms.

The POP is a time for celebration, reflection, and thanksgiving.

The ceremony typically includes a parade of corps members, speeches from dignitaries, and the presentation of awards to outstanding corps members.

The date is announced a few weeks before the next orientation camp exercise to allow corps members to prepare adequately for the event.

The ceremony includes these events:

  • Inspection of corps members by officials.
  • Presentation of certificates of national service to corps members.
  • March past by corps members in a colorful parade.
  • Administration of the oath of allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Address by officials and guest speakers.

The exact date of the POP will depend on several factors, such as the number of corps members to be mobilized, the availability of venues, and the weather.

The NYSC will usually announce the POP timetable a few weeks in advance.

Check our website and social media pages for updates.

NYSC Batch A Stream 2 Passing Out Parade (POP) Date

According to the NYSC, the Passing Out Parade (POP) for Batch A, Stream 2 is scheduled to take place on 27th March 2025.

This stream comprises corps members who were mobilized last year.

One or two weeks after the passing out parade is concluded, the orientation exercise for the next batch of corps members will begin.


Here are the requirements for the NYSC passing out parade:

  • Complete the mandatory one-year service year.
  • Get a clearance certificate from your place of primary assignment.
  • Have your identification card and final clearance slip.
  • Pay all outstanding fees (if applicable).
  • Adhere to the dress code for the event.


Here are the steps to prepare for the passing out parade:

  • Have all the required documents and fees paid before the event date.
  • Rehearse the parade march and familiarize yourself with the different commands and signals.
  • Arrive at the venue early to avoid missing your allocated time.
  • Be fully kitted in your uniform (cap, crested vest, khaki trouser, belt, jungle boot).
  • Come to the venue with your writing pen to use for the signing of your certificate.
  • Rest and stay hydrated to avoid fatigue and heat exhaustion during the parade.
  • Take lots of pictures and videos to capture the memories of your service year and the ceremony.
  • Celebrate your achievements with your fellow corps members and loved ones after the event.


CorpersHub is dedicated to serving the needs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members across Nigeria. Our mission is to connect, support, and empower corps members as they embark on their year of national service.

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