NYSC Remobilization: Starting Date and Requirements

The National Youth Service Corps remobilization exercise comes up in every batch and streams.

Corps members that are to re-mobilize are those who attended the orientation camp, did all the normal registration on camp, left camp and did not report to their place of primary assignment.

This is done to restart or continue your service year.

Here are the set of corps members required to undergo remobilization:

  • Those that registered successfully during online registration, reported to the orientation camp and underwent the camp documentation/registration, but they could not continue with service because of certain circumstances.
  • Those that reported to the camp and got posted to a place of primary assignment, but then you abandoned the program without completing the 12 months of service.
  • Those who left their PPA without permission or approval from the employer or officials.
  • Those who failed to report to your PPA for a long period without a valid reason.
  • Those who engaged in misconduct or criminal activities that led to your dismissal or arrest.
  • Those who relocated to another state or country without applying for relocation or redeployment.
  • Those who lost interest in serving or fulfilling your obligations as a corps member.

Whatever the reason, if you want to resume your service year, get a new posting letter and carry on with your service, you will need to remobilize to register again and get reinstated into the program.

Application for NYSC Remobilization

The remobilization process is done during or before fresh registration.

A link for remobilization will be activated for those corps members to apply online.

To remobilize for service again, visit the NYSC mobilization portal and locate news/link for remobilization.

After clicking the form link/button, the form will open with certain information to be filled.

Among these are the previous call-up numbers, previous state code, previous batch, and previous deployment state. 

This is the information that will give NYSC clues why you must be remobilized.

Your application will go through an approval process.

Only if approved you would be eligible for remobilization.

For remobilization, concerned married corps members will be required, besides the details above, scan and upload evidence of a state of residence of husband, evidence of marriage, identity of husband, newspaper change of name, letter from employer, and utility bills.

The NYSC portal will be open for remobilization after the orientation course for the current batch (during the last stream).

Keep checking the online portal.


CorpersHub is dedicated to serving the needs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members across Nigeria. Our mission is to connect, support, and empower corps members as they embark on their year of national service.

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