List of Items and Things Not Allowed in NYSC Camp (Banned)

Certain lifestyles, behaviors, and things are not allowed in the orientation camp and are rather strictly out of bounds.

Do not fall victim.

Items Not Allowed in the NYSC Camp

These items are prohibited in the camp:

  • Animal Pets
  • Bicycle
  • Boiling Ring
  • Cars
  • Chairs
  • Cigarettes
  • Clipper
  • Clothing and Materials with NYSC Logo
  • Colored Hair
  • Dreads
  • Electric Appliances
  • Extensions
  • Fire Arms or Ammunition
  • Forged Documents for Registration
  • Fork
  • Gas Cooker
  • Glass Bottled Perfumes
  • H@rd Drugs like Cocaine, Indian Hemp, and Heroine
  • Hair Stretcher
  • Hand Drier
  • Knife
  • Laptop
  • Long Beards
  • Mattress from Home
  • Mirrors
  • Motorcycles
  • Pots
  • Pressing Iron
  • Raw Foodstuff (Rice, Beans, Yams, Noodles etc.)
  • Stove
  • Suit Case
  • Tables
  • Televisions

Things Not Allowed in the NYSC Orientation Camp

Here are the list of things you should never do in NYSC orientation camp as a corps member:

1. Sex

Many corps members take condoms to the camp.

Some have been misinformed by unscrupulous folks who want nothing but to ruin another person’s camp experience.

It is a great offence if corps members are found doing it.

The orientation exercise lasts only for 21 days (3 weeks), so I wonder why some people cannot hold themselves.

Those caught in this ugly act are married female corps members.

Once you are caught in that act, soldiers will parade you before other corps members and would eventually decamp you.

So, DO NOT do it, wait until after camp if you must do it!

2. Rudeness to Soldiers and Camp Officials

In the NYSC camp, soldiers are not permitted to beat any corps member, no matter what your offence may be.

They can only give you punishment like sitting on the floor, squatting, kneeling down, stand under the sun etc.

Soldiers instructors are also not allowed to carry gun in the NYSC camp, you can only see them with big rod to intimidate corps members as instructors but can never use that rod on you.

Do not because of that abuse or insult any of them.

If you try that, they will decamp you by collecting your tag number.

Once you disobey a soldier, he might collect that tag number from you.

Without that number you have already been decamped and it is a great offence to move around within the NYSC camp without the tag number around your neck.

3. Lamination of Documents

Don’t laminate your documents.

Do not laminate your call-up letter, green card, medical certificate, and statement of result.

4. Dodging Parade

The worst thing that can happen to you in the NYSC orientation camp is when you are caught trying to dodge from participating in the drills.

That act is enough to show you the camp exit gate.

5. Fighting

In some schools, fighting carries expulsion as punishment, and in some other schools, it carries up 3 years suspension.

In the NYSC camp fighting carries decamp.

Don’t fight with your fellow corper, report any body that troubles you to the soldiers or officials.

If you choose to take law into your hands by fighting, then be ready to be decamped.

6. Stealing

Stealing is common in the camp.

There are also camp thieves, those who drive joys by stealing any person’s properties.

If you are caught in the act of stealing, by considering the damages other camp thieves done before, you would be punished accordingly.

Be very careful with your stuff.

Always lock up your box.

You can carry your waist pouch to the bathroom with you if you have to.

Sleep with it at night to avoid stories that touch. I’m saying my own.

If not, you will either sleep on a lot of things or they will sell you in your presence.

7. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of opposite or the same sex is a crime.

Do not harass any girl or boy.

You fit see yourself for Kiriki.

8. Rape

This is very serious offence, not only that you will be decamped but also be immediately transferred to the prison where you would cool you ass.

I don’t want to say more on this one because even you know the implication.

9. Drinking Alcohol and Smoking

You will meet lots of people who will try to influence you.

Know your limits.

If you don’t drink normally, don’t go to camp to try it.

You will pass out and those people will leave you there in mammy market. Please be wise.

Don’t do what you won’t normally do.

Half a word is a enough for the wise.

Although alcohol, cigarettes, and weed are being sold in Maami market but are meant for soldiers and the officials, not for you.

If you are caught drinking or smoking, you name will be ‘sorry’.

Don’t say I do not warn you.

10. Jumping the Fence

Some camps have dwarf walls, but that is not the reason you should jump it.

You might get bored in camp activities and think jumping the camp walls would be cool.

If the soldiers catch you, they will disgrace publicly or shoot you thinking you are criminal or even ask you to jump and go but never to return.

11. Hygiene

Do not bath, urinate or excrete around, always use the provided bathrooms and toilets in the camp.

The bathrooms may be so dirty, and some bad guys stooling on their floor.

But you should always try to manage it that way.

In some camp, female bath outside in open field, likewise guys.

This is camp offence. Make sure soldiers don’t catch you.

Final Words

Any time after your reporting date is considered late arrival.

You will not be allowed inside after the reporting dates end.

You will be required to state a genuine reason for your late arrival.

It is best to go the same day or the next day of your reporting date.

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CorpersHub is dedicated to serving the needs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members across Nigeria. Our mission is to connect, support, and empower corps members as they embark on their year of national service.

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